Seminars and Training Courses [EN]

Seminars and Training Courses

We regularly hold seminars for our customers, or anyone interested, on various fields around the topic of “safe bulk material handling”. On request, these seminars can also be exclusively held for you and their content can be adapted to your particular operational requirements. Our lecturers with practical experience impart know-how and we always provide the opportunity to discuss individual tasks and safety requirements in either a one-on-one conversation or as part of the whole group, allowing us to develop solution proposals.

Topics of our seminars:

Please note that most seminars will be held in German at Volkmann GmbH in Soest / Germany.

Furthermore, we provide training for operating and maintenance personnel that work with our vacuum conveyors and systems for bulk material handling.

Dates of Seminars in English:

Vacuum Conveying & Powder Handling Seminar


language: English

location: Volkmann GmbH / Soest / Germany

Details and registration form

Optimisation of Vacuum Conveying Systems Seminar


language: English

location: Volkmann GmbH / Soest / Germany

Details and registration form

Overview of all seminar dates:

You can find an overview of the upcoming dates of all other seminars on our German website.

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Request a Callback

Tell us your phone number and the required time for the recall. Describe in brief your concern. We will contact you as soon as possible during our business hours.

Volkmann GmbH, Germany: +49 (0)2921 9604 0, business hours Mon. – Thurs.: 07:45 – 16:45, Fri.: 07:45 – 14:45

Volkmann UK Office: +44 (0) 1494 51 22 28, [email protected]


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