Our test centre for trials and demonstrations
The technical centre is our test area for developing, testing, optimising and checking our vacuum conveyors and powder handling systems under simulated production conditions with the original conveyed material. Equipped with the entire range of our device types, most processes and system configurations can be realistically simulated.
Every powder, granulate or bulk material has specific physical properties. These can become noticeable when the material is fed into the system, conveyed or discharged. For example, the material can compact during transport on the road or absorb moisture and clump together. Materials with poor flow properties can form a ‘bridge’ in the feed hopper and then do not flow into the feed pipe.
Each test must first and foremost prove that the task of handling and conveying a product is fulfilled: The product must be able to be transported from ‘A to B’. The desired output (in kg/h) must be achieved and the energy consumption must be as low as possible. However, the capacity must also be maintained over a longer period of time. For example, a sticky product must not constrict or block a conveyor line in the long term. The product must not be damaged during transport and crushed, for example. An abrasive product must also not wear out the conveyor system.
Our experienced technical centre personnel incorporate the experience gained from thousands of tests with a wide variety of conveyed products into the tests. By adjusting the operating parameters or the test set-up, the process and performance are gradually optimised.
Together with our customers, we can test and optimise a system concept for its practical suitability at a very early stage of the project. We always start from rather unfavourable or negative framework conditions. The performance determined in the test is therefore on the safe side and is often exceeded later in the delivered system. This gives the customer a high degree of certainty that their investment will fulfil the required tasks before making a purchase decision.
Reproducible environmental parameters (temperature, humidity) can be set in three modern test rooms. Ventilation with targeted air routing and extraction ensures that any dust contamination is eliminated.
We are also happy to carry out conveying tests on your premises. This is useful, for example, for toxic substances or active ingredients that we cannot handle in our technical centre. On request, we can carry out simplified conveying tests or install test systems under real operating conditions. In this way, the employees who will later be responsible for operating the systems can be involved in the decision-making phase.