Hoists for Vacuum Conveyors [EN]

Hoists for Vacuum Conveyors

Volkmann stationary and mobile hoists simplify the handling and positioning of vacuum conveyors above the machines or bins which have to be fed with material.

The vacuum conveyor can be brought into position, connected dust-free, powder tight, and free of forces induced to the system below the conveyor, which might be critical to the process stability for example with tablet presses or filling machines. Mounted on a mobile hoist, one vacuum conveyor can be used to feed material into various machines, one after the other. With a hoist, removing the conveyor from the machine for cleaning and maintenance is easy, no tools are required for (dis-) assembly.

Stationary and mobile hoists

The handling and positioning of a vacuum conveyor above a container, bin or production machine can be made easier by use of a stationary or mobile hoist. Volkmann hoists are lightweight and easy manoeuvrable.

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Volkmann GmbH, Germany: +49 (0)2921 9604 0, business hours Mon. – Thurs.: 07:45 – 16:45, Fri.: 07:45 – 14:45

Volkmann UK Office: +44 (0) 1494 51 22 28, [email protected]


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