Design / Development / Project Management
Our design team consisting of design engineers, technicians and mechanical engineers state requirements and ideas in the ongoing project. The design and sales departments maintain close contact with customers. We want to offer our customers only those products that deliver a reliable performance, clean, safe, and user-friendly operation following installation.
The in house departments work closely together on all projects. The sales department looks after “its” projects until the successful installation of the equipment at the factory. This way, both customer and Volkmann can be sure that the agreements made are really implemented.
We work with modern software. All departments are linked together by a central system including product data and document management that stores current and previous project and design data and makes them readily accessible. Thus, we cover the entire product life cycle including documentation and parts used for later service requirements.

VOLKMANN is a research-based company: the BSFZ seal documents this. The seal was awarded for our in-house R&D projects (R&D: research and development) as proof of our in-house R&D performance. The BSFZ (Bescheinigungsstelle Forschungszulage) works on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).