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Details on VOLKMANN GmbH

This website is operated by the company VOLKMANN GmbH (Schloitweg 17, 59494 Soest, Germany). The company VOLKMANN GmbH is legally represented by the managing directors Ingrid Volkmann and Thilo Volkmann.

Local court Arnsberg, Commercial Register Number HRB 5422
Sales Tax Identification Number: DE126639335
Contact: [email protected]
Phone: +49 (0)2921/9604-0


© Copyright VOLKMANN GmbH, Soest (Germany). All rights reserved. Texts, images, graphics, sound, animations and videos as well as their arrangement on the website of VOLKMANN GmbH are subject to Copyright protection and other protection laws. The contents of this website must not be copied, distributed, modified or made available to third parties for Commercial purposes.
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This website was created with the greatest possible care. Nevertheless no guarantee can be offered for it being free from errors or for the accuracy of the information contained. Any liability for damages incurred directly or indirectly by using this website shall be excluded, as far as these are not based on intent or gross negligence.
As far as this website refers to other websites operated by third parties, Volkmann GmbH does not take responsibility for their contents.

Volkmann GmbH would like to present itself to you with an innovative and informative website. The intellectual property contained therein such as patents, brands and copyrights is protected. This website does not grant a license for the use of the intellectual property of Volkmann GmbH or third parties.

Responsible for the content:

Volkmann GmbH
Schloitweg 17
59494 Soest

For technical questions, please contact:

[email protected]

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Tell us your phone number and the required time for the recall. Describe in brief your concern. We will contact you as soon as possible during our business hours.

Volkmann GmbH, Germany: +49 (0)2921 9604 0, business hours Mon. – Thurs.: 07:45 – 16:45, Fri.: 07:45 – 14:45

Volkmann UK Office: +44 (0) 1494 51 22 28, [email protected]


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