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ATEX and explosion protection for pneumatic vacuum conveying of powders and bulk materials

In recent years, the requirements for the transportation of solids have increased significantly. Especially when used in EX areas.

Vakuumförderer Typ VS für das saubere und sichere Fördner von Pulvern, Granulaten und anderen Schüttgütern von A nach B. Erzeugung des Unterdrucks mit einer Multijector Vakuumpumpe. Nach Richtlinie 2014/34/EU ATEX baumustergeprüft und für staubexplosive Stoffe geeignet. Das hygienische Design ermöglicht eine leichte Reinigung. Einsatz in der chemischen Industrie, Phrama, Lebensmittel, Metallpulver etc.

Since mechanical conveying systems often reach their limits here and can represent an ignition source in various ways, the focus is on pneumatic conveyor systems.

The so-called vacuum conveying system, offers particular advantages here. The free from ignition source design and construction allows the use with dusts with very low minimum ignition energies (MIE).

A low conveying speed is achieved by the plug conveying. Based on the ignition source-free design, simple additional features also enable use in the gas EX area.

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