Powder locks [EN]

Powder locks

Powder locks and/or double flap locks ensure that when filling containers, there is no direct contact between the container interiors of the unit to be charged and the surrounding environment. They also prevent hazardous substances from escaping.

VOLKMANN powder locks can be easily purged with an inert gas (for example Nitrogen) so that no unwanted atmosphere (Oxygen) passes from the lock into the receiving vessel. With the powder lock, it is also possible to avoid unwanted receiving vessel gases passing back through to the conveying process.

The special feature of Volkmann product locks is that they can be combined directly with the vacuum conveyors of the VS and PPC series. This provides you with an extremely compact and safe conveying device from a single source.

On request, the Volkmann rotary valve is also available in a pressure shock-resistant version up to 10 bar and a pressure-resistant version up to 6 bar – for filling containers under overpressure.

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Tell us your phone number and the required time for the recall. Describe in brief your concern. We will contact you as soon as possible during our business hours.

Volkmann GmbH, Germany: +49 (0)2921 9604 0, business hours Mon. – Thurs.: 07:45 – 16:45, Fri.: 07:45 – 14:45

Volkmann UK Office: +44 (0) 1494 51 22 28, [email protected]


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