Combined conveying and weighing: CONWEIGH [EN]

Combined conveying and weighing: CONWEIGH

Some conveying tasks bring up the question: How much material did the system convey and feed? Batch weighing and loading of bulk material is achievable through the Volkmann CONWEIGH system.

Our CONWEIGH Vacuum Conveying and Weighing/Dosing systems measure both the incoming and outgoing material flow. You can set these systems to convey a certain amount of product or just control the feed rate over time, the CONWEIGH does the rest. It gives you a vacuum conveyor with fine dosing function that gives a performance of up to 99.7% / 99.9% precision (depending on material condition and installation).

Volkmann CONWEIGH Vacuum Conveying systems with weighing and dosing function are designed to incorporate our VS and PPC conveyors, therefore able to provide a wide range of options and customisation for an individual application. They work gravimetrically with the vacuum conveyor mounted on a special frame designed to completely isolate the system from external forces and loads. The filling weight is constantly measured throughout the suction cycle.

The amount of material to be conveyed is specified (through a touch screen input). If different materials must be transferred from a number of pick-up locations, the control can operate the necessary diverter valves to activate the proper transportation line automatically. CONWEIGH systems can be programmed to deliver recipes into the process.

The combined transfer/weighing CONWEIGH system is used for dosing weights of 2 kg and above. Typical for vacuum conveying, the transported material is released discontinuously in cycles. The maximum dosing capacity is defined by the transportation capacity of the vacuum conveyor, for CONWEIGH this is up to 4 t/h. The accuracy of the system is 99-99.7% of the indicated value (configured to customer demands).

The special design and assembly provide the well known advantages of all VS and PPC Conveyors (easy accessibility and cleaning). Inquire about special systems, for example the combination with loss-in-weight feeders, prepared conveyors in weighing frames for on-site dosing controllers etc.

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