Sinter-based Additive Manufacturing

At the “Sinter-based Additive Manufacturing” workshop of the IFAM Institute in Bremen, we presented our solutions for safe powder handling for SBAM processes.

ATEX seminar series finds great interest

Many powders and dusts can cause dust explosions if handled incorrectly – sometimes with catastrophic consequences. Our seminars on “Explosion Protection, ATEX and Powder Transport” present safe powder handling.

New President of Volkmann, Inc. (USA)

Volkmann GmbH is pleased to announce that Mr. Dominick Fortuna has been appointed President of Volkmann, Inc. with effect from October 18, 2021.

Volkmann at Formnext 2021

Fortschrittliches Pulverhandling in der Additiven Fertigung – Vakuumförderung und mehr rund um das 3D-Drucken.

Powder handling – The easy way!

Our customers are often faced with the problem that raw materials cannot be delivered in the desired containers.

Emptying powder and bulk goods from containers

At companies that process bulk materials, the raw products are often delivered in containers. This leads to the question of how these containers can be emptied as quickly and efficiently as possible.