Powder processing at the BMW Group’s AM Campus

The BMW Group uses a centralised system for recovering and reprocessing metal powder after 3D printing at the Additive Manufacturing Campus in Oberschleissheim near Munich. The system developed by VOLKMANN as part of the IDAM research project has proven its worth and continues to be used at BMW even after the successful conclusion of the research project.

Volkmann centrale poederherwinnings- en opwerkingseenheid (links) naast een TRUMPF TruPrint5000 3D-printer (rechts) op de BMW Group
Volkmann centrale poederherwinnings- en opwerkingseenheid (links) naast een TRUMPF TruPrint5000 3D-printer (rechts) op de BMW Group

In its current summer 2024 issue, the trade magazine Metal AM (https://www.metal-am.com/) reports on the BMW AM Campus and the further development of 3D printing for automotive series production in a very interesting article. VOLKMANN’s ideas, solutions and systems are an important part of this manufacturing concept. It’s worth taking a look at this article!


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