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Volkmann is building an additional production hall

The bulldozers are at work – we are building a new large production hall! The newspaper “Soester Anzeiger” has reported on our building project in an article (available in German only) – click here. 

We would like to offer you a few impressions with the following two pictures:


The two production managers Michael Ernst (left) and Carsten Schröer (right), Thilo Volkmann (second from left) and the two architects, Pia Rüller and Arno Biesenbaum, take a look at the progress of the earthworks. © Peter Dahm

Volkmann Neubau Produktionshalle 2024

In the left half of the picture, the current factory premises: on the far left, the technical centre, the administration and, slightly set back, production and assembly. In the right-hand half of the picture, in the foreground, the former Soester Anzeiger publishing building and the former printing hall with its distinctive barrel roof – in future part of the Volkmann factory premises. Behind it is the new production hall, which will be seamlessly connected to the existing production facility. © Biesenbaum and Rüller